
Step 1#

First let’s create and configure the primary instance. We’ll start with a few configuration changes in its primary.conf configuration file.

$ touch primary.conf  # Create the configuration file

Now open the primary.conf file with your favorite text editor and set the following configuration directives:

# Create a strong password here
requirepass a_strong_password

# AUTH password of the primary instance in case this instance becomes a replica
masterauth a_strong_password

# Enable AOF file persistence
appendonly yes

# Choose a name for the AOF file
appendfilename "primary.aof"

Finally, let’s start the primary instance:

$ redis-server ./primary.conf

Step 2#

Next, let’s prepare the configuration file for the replica:

# Port on which the replica should run
port 6380

# Address of the primary instance
replicaof 6379

# AUTH password of the primary instance
masterauth a_strong_password

# AUTH password for the replica instance
requirepass a_strong_password

And let’s start the replica:

$ redis-server ./replica.conf

Step 3#

Open two terminal tabs and use them to start connections to the primary and replica instances:

# Tab 1 (primary)
$ redis-cli
# Tab 2 (replica)
$ redis-cli -p 6380

Authenticate on both tabs by running the command AUTH followed by your password:

AUTH a_strong_password

On the second (replica) tab run the MONITOR command which will allow you to see every command executed against that instance.

Go back to the first (primary) tab and execute any write command, for example> SET foo bar

In the second tab you should see that the command was already sent to the replica:

1617230062.389077 [0] "SELECT" "0"
1617230062.389092 [0] "set" "foo" "bar"

Step 4#

Keep the instances running, or at least their configuration files around. We’ll need them for the next exercise.