C#/.NET guide

Connect your .NET application to a Redis database

Install Redis and the Redis client, then connect your .NET application to a Redis database.


NRedisStack is a .NET client for Redis. NredisStack requires a running Redis or Redis Stack server. See Getting started for Redis installation instructions.


Using the dotnet CLI, run:

dotnet add package NRedisStack


Connect to localhost on port 6379.

using NRedisStack;
using NRedisStack.RedisStackCommands;
using StackExchange.Redis;
ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
IDatabase db = redis.GetDatabase();

Store and retrieve a simple string.

db.StringSet("foo", "bar");
Console.WriteLine(db.StringGet("foo")); // prints bar

Store and retrieve a HashMap.

var hash = new HashEntry[] { 
    new HashEntry("name", "John"), 
    new HashEntry("surname", "Smith"),
    new HashEntry("company", "Redis"),
    new HashEntry("age", "29"),
db.HashSet("user-session:123", hash);

var hashFields = db.HashGetAll("user-session:123");
Console.WriteLine(String.Join("; ", hashFields));
// Prints: 
// name: John; surname: Smith; company: Redis; age: 29

To access Redis Stack capabilities, you should use appropriate interface like this:

IBloomCommands bf = db.BF();
ICuckooCommands cf = db.CF();
ICmsCommands cms = db.CMS();
IGraphCommands graph = db.GRAPH();
ITopKCommands topk = db.TOPK();
ITdigestCommands tdigest = db.TDIGEST();
ISearchCommands ft = db.FT();
IJsonCommands json = db.JSON();
ITimeSeriesCommands ts = db.TS();

Connect to a Redis cluster

To connect to a Redis cluster, you just need to specify one or all cluster endpoints in the client configuration:

ConfigurationOptions options = new ConfigurationOptions
    //list of available nodes of the cluster along with the endpoint port.
    EndPoints = {
        { "localhost", 16379 },
        { "localhost", 16380 },
        // ...

ConnectionMultiplexer cluster = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options);
IDatabase db = cluster.GetDatabase();

db.StringSet("foo", "bar");
Console.WriteLine(db.StringGet("foo")); // prints bar

Connect to your production Redis with TLS

When you deploy your application, use TLS and follow the Redis security guidelines.

Before connecting your application to the TLS-enabled Redis server, ensure that your certificates and private keys are in the correct format.

To convert user certificate and private key from the PEM format to pfx, use this command:

openssl pkcs12 -inkey redis_user_private.key -in redis_user.crt -export -out redis.pfx

Enter password to protect your pfx file.

Establish a secure connection with your Redis database using this snippet.

ConfigurationOptions options = new ConfigurationOptions
    EndPoints = { { "my-redis.cloud.redislabs.com", 6379 } },
    User = "default",  // use your Redis user. More info https://redis.io/docs/latest/operate/oss_and_stack/management/security/acl/
    Password = "secret", // use your Redis password
    Ssl = true,
    SslProtocols = System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls12                

options.CertificateSelection += delegate
    return new X509Certificate2("redis.pfx", "secret"); // use the password you specified for pfx file
options.CertificateValidation += ValidateServerCertificate;

bool ValidateServerCertificate(
        object sender,
        X509Certificate? certificate,
        X509Chain? chain,
        SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
    if (certificate == null) {
        return false;       

    var ca = new X509Certificate2("redis_ca.pem");
    bool verdict = (certificate.Issuer == ca.Subject);
    if (verdict) {
        return true;
    Console.WriteLine("Certificate error: {0}", sslPolicyErrors);
    return false;

ConnectionMultiplexer muxer = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options);   
//Creation of the connection to the DB
IDatabase conn = muxer.GetDatabase();

//send SET command
conn.StringSet("foo", "bar");

//send GET command and print the value

Example: Indexing and querying JSON documents

This example shows how to convert Redis search results to JSON format using NRedisStack.

Make sure that you have Redis Stack and NRedisStack installed.

Import dependencies and connect to the Redis server:

using NRedisStack;
using NRedisStack.RedisStackCommands;
using NRedisStack.Search;
using NRedisStack.Search.Aggregation;
using NRedisStack.Search.Literals.Enums;
using StackExchange.Redis;

// ...

ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");

Get a reference to the database and for search and JSON commands.

var db = redis.GetDatabase();
var ft = db.FT();
var json = db.JSON();

Let's create some test data to add to your database.

var user1 = new {
    name = "Paul John",
    email = "paul.john@example.com",
    age = 42,
    city = "London"

var user2 = new {
    name = "Eden Zamir",
    email = "eden.zamir@example.com",
    age = 29,
    city = "Tel Aviv"

var user3 = new {
    name = "Paul Zamir",
    email = "paul.zamir@example.com",
    age = 35,
    city = "Tel Aviv"

Create an index. In this example, all JSON documents with the key prefix user: are indexed. For more information, see Query syntax.

var schema = new Schema()
    .AddTextField(new FieldName("$.name", "name"))
    .AddTagField(new FieldName("$.city", "city"))
    .AddNumericField(new FieldName("$.age", "age"));

    new FTCreateParams().On(IndexDataType.JSON).Prefix("user:"),

Use JSON.SET to set each user value at the specified path.

json.Set("user:1", "$", user1);
json.Set("user:2", "$", user2);
json.Set("user:3", "$", user3);

Let's find user Paul and filter the results by age.

var res = ft.Search("idx:users", new Query("Paul @age:[30 40]")).Documents.Select(x => x["json"]);
Console.WriteLine(string.Join("\n", res)); 
// Prints: {"name":"Paul Zamir","email":"paul.zamir@example.com","age":35,"city":"Tel Aviv"}

Return only the city field.

var res_cities = ft.Search("idx:users", new Query("Paul").ReturnFields(new FieldName("$.city", "city"))).Documents.Select(x => x["city"]);
Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", res_cities)); 
// Prints: London, Tel Aviv

Count all users in the same city.

var request = new AggregationRequest("*").GroupBy("@city", Reducers.Count().As("count"));
var result = ft.Aggregate("idx:users", request);

for (var i=0; i<result.TotalResults; i++)
    var row = result.GetRow(i);
    Console.WriteLine($"{row["city"]} - {row["count"]}");
// Prints:
// London - 1
// Tel Aviv - 2

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